Saileach Reatha

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Saileach Reatha

Is tor beag sínte é an saileach reatha le craobhacha beaga tanaí atá scothdhearg agus duilleoga beaga athraitheacha. Fásann sé go 25cm ar airde i lagáin dhuimhche. Tá sé ábalta forlámhas a fháil ar phlandaí eile, agus is féidir leis talamh féaraigh duimhche shocraithe atá speiceas-shaibhir a aistriú go mothar saileach le bithmhais ard.

Creeping Willow

Creeping willow is a small prostrate shrub with slender reddish branchlets and small variable leaves. It grows up to 25cm high in dune slacks. Able to out-compete most other plants, it can turn a species-rich fixed dune grassland into a high biomass willow thicket.