The Seven Steps

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The Green-Schools programme is based on seven steps. These steps are outlined in the chart below. The most important aspect for schools to remember is that every school is different and it is therefore critical that a school fits the seven steps around its circumstances and situation and NOT try and fit the school into the seven steps.

The Green-Schools Handbook outlines the seven steps of the programme in detail. To download a pdf copy of the Green-Schools Handbook on the Programme website.

1. Green Schools Committee

This directs the school's involvement in the programme. Ideally, the committee includes students, teachers, non-teaching staff, management and pupils.

2. Environmental Review

A process of examining the school's environmental impacts in order to identify targets for action and improvement.

3. Action Plan

This gives specific and achieveable targets with proposed completion dates that will show real success.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation

Constant monitoring of the programme ensures that progress towards targets is checked, ammendments made where necessary and success celebrated.

5. Curriculum Work

Curriculum materials are provided that give ideas on how to integrate environmental issues into lessons.

6. Informing and Involving

A publicitiy programme keeps the school and wider community involved and informed through displays, assemblies and press coverage.

7. Green Code

This is a statement of the school's committment to environmental good habits.

Courtesy of: Green Schools Office, An Taisce.
Contact: or 01 - 400 2222