Arthur MacMurrough-Kavanagh

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  • Famous Carlow people

The Kavanaghs of Borris House

The Kavanaghs of Borris House in Carlow were descendants of the infamous Irish King of Leinster, Dermot MacMurrough.

By 1798, however, the Kavanaghs of Carlow had changed religion to the Established Church of Ireland.

The head of the family at the time, Thomas Kavanagh, did this so he could be elected to the English House of Commons.

His first marriage to Lady Elizabeth Butler, who died in 1822, produced two daughters and one son, Walter.

Thomas soon remarried in 1825, to Lady Harriete Margaret La Poer Trench, daughter of the 2nd Earl of Clancarty. Our hero, their third son Arthur, was born on 25 March 1831, making him fourth in line to succeed his powerful father.

Not much was expected of little Arthur. He had three older brothers to contend with and was born with no arms and no legs.