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  • Home life in Carlow

These days, many people choose to live in a flat or an apartment. A flat or apartment is often suited to a person who lives alone. Apartments were not common outside of the major Irish cities until recently. As the demand for housing increases it is now not unusual to find apartment complexes in rural towns. There are a number of apartment complexes in Carlow town, for example.

Families with children may not find apartment living suitable. A house with a garden gives their children an area in which to play. In other European countries, there is a stronger tradition of family apartment living. Apartment complexes on the Continent are often designed to facilitate a range of activities for children.

Because life in Carlow, as in Ireland generally, is becoming more affluent, people now include rooms in their homes for specific functions. For instance, many families now have a utility room near the kitchen for the washing machine and freezer. Some homes have a study with a computer.

Can you think of any other rooms which have a specific function?