Exports from Cork City, 1741
This is a list of exported goods from Cork city to places like Spain, France, Britain and the West Indies in 1741.
Exports from Cork City, 1741
This is a list of exported goods from Cork city to places like Spain, France, Britain and the West Indies in 1741.
Cork City in 1741
Cork attracted merchants from all over the world. By 1741, Cork's main exports were beef, hides, butter and tallow. These goods were exported to places such as Spain, England, France and the West Indies.
Imports into Cork City, 1741
A list of imported goods into Cork City in 1741.
Imports into Cork City, 1741
A list of imported goods into Cork City in 1741.
Goods imported into Cork that same year consisted of some items that were considered exotic at the time. These include cinnamon, oranges, lemons and coffee. Dyes for clothes were very sought after, as were coal and alcohol. Click on the image to see a list of the goods imported into Cork city in 1741.