Fatal Mistakes

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  • Moments in Cork History

What happened then?

Due to a lack of communication between the Irish and Spanish forces, the Spanish Army retreated when they should have been charging towards the enemy. The Irish were outnumbered and the Spanish surrendered. O'Neill and his army retreated back to Ulster but only a few years later, he and other clan leaders had to leave Ireland forever in what is called 'The Flight of the Earls' in 1607. The whole of Ireland was under English rule for the first time.

Did you know?

-The Spanish fleet were supposed to land at Cork Harbour but the wind suddenly changed and they had to land at Kinsale.

-Spain had been at war with England in what is known as the Anglo-Spanish War 1585-1604. After Kinsale, Spain signed a peace treaty with England, which ended the war.

-According to Charles Smith M.D in his book, The Ancient and Present State of The County and City of Cork 1750;

"Of the Irish, 1,200 fell in this battle, and 800 were wounded, of which number many died. They lost above 2,000 arms, their powder, drums, with 14 captains slain."

User contributions:

By jimmcneill- | 2012-12-12 12:45:19

Admiral Sir William Penn & his son, William Penn in the colonialisation of Ireland