Fishing and Aquaculture

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  • Aspects of Donegal

Lough Swilly

Lough Swilly stretches 40 kilometres into Co. Donegal from the Atlantic Ocean. To the west lies Fanad Peninsula and to the east lies the Inishowen Peninsula. The shoreline of the lough offers spectacular views and is a popular destination for tourists.

Fishing on Lough Swilly

A number of fishing activities are carried out around the lough. The image on the left illustrates the types where nets are used.

- The loop net is a hand-held device suspended from a handle which lets the fishermen sense movement in the net.

- Drift net fishing is a method used for catching salmon at sea or in estuaries. It is a type of curtain with a rope running along the top and bottom. Salmon become trapped in the fine mesh and are securely held there until they are removed.

- A draft net is like a bag, assisted from the shore, and paid out from the boat. It forms a circle in the water. When it is full, the net is then hauled by both ends from the shore.

- Gill nets are curtains of netting held upright by flotation devices.

- Trawling involves dragging a funnel-shaped net along the surface or bottom of the water. These nets are big and heavy and must be pulled along by a trawler.