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  • Aspects of Donegal

Farming the Sea

Aquaculture is the name given to the farming of sea plants and animals. With its long coastline, Donegal has a perfect environment for farming a number of different kinds of fish and shellfish.


Mussels are one of the shellfish which are farmed in some areas along Donegal's coast. Mussel "seeds" are attached to rope nets. They are left to grow and are harvested about 18 months later when they reach maturity.


The growing mussels feed off sea water. They take water in and filter out the nutrients. Oysters are also farmed in this way but take longer to mature.

Fin fish, like salmon, are also farmed. They are kept in fresh water for up to one year before being transferred to cages which are suspended in sea water. This mimics how salmon grow in the wild. It takes another year or two before they are ready to be harvested.