Games and Toys

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  • Home Life in Donegal

Games and Toys

When you meet friends to play, what games are your favourites? Games like squares, kerbs and tip the can are popular nowadays.

However, many street games have survived from as early as the 1950s and before, and are still played today. Skipping is one of the classic children's games. Here we will take a look at how it was played in Donegal.

We will also examine one of Donegal's favourite exports: the Crolly Doll. In the 1950s and 1960s, these dolls were one of the most sought-after toys an Irish child could have.

Ask your parents whether they ever owned a Crolly Doll or remember these toys. Among other things, you will be able to tell them about how and why the original factory was founded in Crolly.