Queen's County in 1563

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  • Queen's County

Take a look at this map of Laois. It was made in 1563. Click on the map to get a more detailed look at Laois as it was in the sixteenth century.

Laois was given the name Queen's County by Queen Mary Tudor of England in 1556. In 1558, Queen Elizabeth came to the throne. A commission was appointed in 1561 to define the boundaries of Laois and Offaly and to divide the counties into baronies. This was because many English people were settling in these counties at the time. This map was part of the commission's work and was completed in 1563.
..........................................................Map of Queen's County

Let's learn more about Queen's County in 1563 by taking a close look at the map. The following questions may help to guide you:

  • What does the map tell us about Co. Laois, or Queen's County, at the time?
  • What do you see on the map?
  • Do you see woods and bogs?
  • Do you see towns and roads?

Have you noticed the grey lines on the map? These are passes cut through the woods.

Do you see the red lines dividing up the county? These indicate the boundaries between the baronies. There are eleven baronies in all.