Important Placenames

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  • Queen's County

The names of towns and villages on the map are different today. Can you see Stradbesx? That is now Stradbally. V. Abbey on the map is now Abbeyleix.

Compare the map from 1563 with a modern map. Notice how spellings of the placenames have changed. Do you notice any other differences? You may have to study the map carefully with your teacher to find them.

You may be trying to find Portlaoise on the map. When this map was drawn up, Portlaoise had a different name. It was called Protectour. Can you find it? It was later renamed as Maryborough in honour of Queen Mary. Daingean, in neighbouring Co. Offaly, was named Philipstown after Queen Mary's husband, King Philip. Maryborough was renamed Portlaoise in 1922.

..........................................................Map of Queen's County

Take another look at the map and see whether you can find where the castles are located. What do you notice about the names of the castles? Do you think that the names sound Irish?

Can you find Dunamase on the Map? It was the most important Irish stronghold in Queen's County at the time the map was drawn. It was home to the old Irish Chiefs of Laois, the O'More family. They were a powerful and influential Gaelic family.