Limerick City Arts
Limerick City is blessed with a fine tradition of arts and cultural activities with Limerick City Council being one of the first local authorities to provide funding for an Arts Officer in 1988.
Limerick City is spoilt for artistic venues with the Belltable and University Concert Hall regularly hosting concerts, exhibitions and plays. Limerick is also home to a variety of other cultural events.
Let's look at a handful of these in greater detail.
Sionna is an annual music festival which takes place in Limerick City. It is presented by the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance who are based at the University of Limerick. As well as hosting concerts, Sionna also provide lectures and workshops which explain certain themes of music.
Sionna has an international feel and last year performers from Germany, South Korea, Rwanda and the United States all took part.
Cuisle International Poetry Festival
The Cuisle International Poetry Festival takes place in Limerick City each year. The festival first began in 1997 to build on the reputation that Limerick had as a poetic city.
As well as readings by well-known Irish and international poets, book launches and poetry workshops also take place during the festival. Many of the readings occur in a famous public house called The White House Bar, which has been a home-from-home for poets visiting Limerick.
ev+a in Limerick City hold exhibitions of visual art on a regular basis.
Image courtesy of ev+aImage courtesy of ev+a
ev+a in Limerick City hold exhibitions of visual art on a regular basis.
Image courtesy of ev+ae v+a
e v+ a may look like some mathematical formula that is impossible to understand.
It is in fact, the name given to an international contemporary art exhibition which takes place in Limerick City every year.
Since it began in 1977, it has developed into one of the most important exhibitions of if its kind. e v+ a has its home base in the Limerick City Gallery of Art and uses many other venues in centre city Limerick for the display of artwork.
'YOUNG e v+ a' is an education programme that reaches out to children. Here, e v+ a artists encourage young adults to show an interest in art by giving lectures and tours based on the exhibitions.