Cork to Limerick Road, 1778

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  • Limerick Through Maps

The map on this page is taken from George Taylor and Andrew Skinner's 'Maps of the Roads of Ireland', which was first published in 1778.

Click on the map to get a closer look.

Can you see the word 'turnpike' on the map?

What do you think a turnpike is? Click here to find out.

How many turnpikes can you find on the map?

See if you can find the following places on the map:

  • Bruff
  • Grange
  • Kilmallock
  • Rockstown Castle
  • Ballyneety
  • Ballysymon

Limerick's Modern Road Network

Things have changed much since Taylor and Skinner created their maps of roads in Limerick.

In 1778, journeys were long and slow. Roads were bad. These days, the county has an extensive network of roads. Click on the map to see a modern representation of Limerick's roads.