Diocese of Limerick

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  • Limerick Through Maps

Limerick Boundaries

Map reading is a very useful skill to help you find your way somewhere. Perhaps you also look at maps in school to learn the positions of mountains and rivers. Maps can also be used to show how land is divided up.

This map was published in a 1906 book called The Diocese of Limerick, Ancient and Medieval.

It is a good example of one of the many ways in which maps can be used to show different aspects of a landscape. The map shows Co. Limerick divided up in two ways. The thin black lines show the parishes of the county. The thick red lines show the boundaries of what are believed to be the ancient tuaths of the county.

Here is another map showing the parishes in the Diocese of Limerick in the nineteenth century. Parishes in the neighbouring Diocese of Cashel and Emly can also be seen.

Click on the map to take a closer look. Can you find the line that seperates the two dioceses?