About Baronies
Baronies were used for administrative purposes from medieval times until the late 1890s. Because of this, you will find references to baronies when you are researching the history of places.
Baronies of Co. Limerick
This map was created in the 1990s and shows Co. Limerick divided into its fourteen baronies.
© Limerick County Council.Baronies of Co. Limerick
This map was created in the 1990s and shows Co. Limerick divided into its fourteen baronies.
© Limerick County Council.Limerick Baronies
There are fourteen baronies in Limerick, including Limerick city.
Click on the image to see a map of the county divided into its baronies.
Make a list of the names of the different baronies.
This map shows how Limerick was divided in the mid-seventeenth century. Look closely and you will see that there were fewer baronies at this time than in the modern map above. It shows how, over time, borders and boundaries change. In this map, there is one very large barony, Connello, in the west of the county. In the modern map, four baronies occupy this area.
Can you think of any good reasons why Connello might have reduced in size?
You probably know the name of the province, county and town where your school is located but do you know which barony it is in? Time to put your research skills to work.
Irish Tourist Association Survey, 1943-1944
To read more about the 1940s survey and see some of the black-and-white photos that were taken of the artefacts in Limerick at the time, click here. It can be interesting to compare and contrast the photos with how the same monuments appear today.