St. Maelruain's Losset
St. Maelruain's Losset, in the grounds of St. Maelruain's Church, Tallaght Village. This is a wide and shallow granite stone trough or font. Losat is an old Irish word, denoting a wooden trough used in former times for kneading bread. It is likely that the country people named it from its similarity in shape to the lossets that they used in their homes.
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St. Maelruain's Losset
St. Maelruain's Losset, in the grounds of St. Maelruain's Church, Tallaght Village. This is a wide and shallow granite stone trough or font. Losat is an old Irish word, denoting a wooden trough used in former times for kneading bread. It is likely that the country people named it from its similarity in shape to the lossets that they used in their homes.
© South Dublin Libraries.There are a number of interesting historic features in the grounds of the St. Maelruain's Church. Inside the churchyard gate, on the left-hand side, is a font called St. Maelruain's Losset.
St. Maelruain's Losset is a wide and shallow granite trough or font. 'Losat' is an Old Irish word describing a wooden trough used in the past for kneading bread. It is likely that it was named by country people because of its similarity in shape to these troughs.
Ancient Cross
Ancient Cross in the churchyard at St. Maelruains's, Tallaght. This is a small ancient cross set in a pedestal, which is firmly fixed in a circular granite base resembling a millstone. The cross and base were formerly known as Moll Rooney's loaf and griddle.
© South Dublin Libraries.© South Dublin Libraries.
Ancient Cross
Ancient Cross in the churchyard at St. Maelruains's, Tallaght. This is a small ancient cross set in a pedestal, which is firmly fixed in a circular granite base resembling a millstone. The cross and base were formerly known as Moll Rooney's loaf and griddle.
© South Dublin Libraries.St. Maelruain's Cross lies south of the font. It is firmly fixed in a granite base, which resembles a millstone. The pronunciation of St. Maelruain became distorted over the years, and the cross and its base came to be called 'Moll Rooney's loaf and griddle'. There are a great many tombstones in the graveyard, dating mainly from the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Also to be seen in the grounds of the church is the remains of the fosse, the ancient curved bank which enclosed Maelruain's monastery. The best view of this is from the carpark at the rear of Smith's Toy Store in Tallaght.