Transport in Tipperary

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  • Transport in Tipperary

What to do

Early forms of transport in Ireland involved carts drawn by animals such as horses, donkeys and mules.

With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, steam-powered engines were created. These engines were too heavy to travel on roads. This led to the development of railroads

Train Tracks at Gooldscross

With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, steam-powered engines were created.

Photo courtesy of John O'Gorman, 2006.


About 100 years ago, the types of transport available were walking, horse-riding, cycling, trains

Steam Train

Steam trains were still in operation up until the twentieth century. They are now in preservation.

Photo by Rex Murphy, 1924. Featured in 'The Railways of Ireland' (1975).

  and city trams

Number 80 Tram on O'Connell Street

The number 80 tram on O'Connell Street in about 1915. The number 80 was converted from horse-drawn to electric in October 1898.

By kind permission of Dublin City Council.

 . Over the last fifty years, people in Tipperary have used many different types of transport.

Let's find out more about forms of transport in Co. Tipperary from the past to the present day.