The Park Today

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  • Aspects of Waterford City

Almost a fifth of the population of Waterford City is under 12. Therefore, the City Council has plans to make Waterford a more child-friendly place, with areas for all children to meet their friends and play.

Recently, a new children's adventure playground was built in the park with swings, slides, climbing frames and a toddler's play area.

In April 2004, St. Declan's National School made the largest Ring-a-Roses in the world in the People's Park and they are now in the Guinness Book of Records.

Every May, the Hullabaloo Children's Festival holds a go-kart race in the People's Park. Hundreds of children and their parents enjoy building go-karts.

Additionally, every August the Spraoi Festival takes place in the streets and parks in Waterford City. Thousands of people come to see street performers, music, acrobats and puppets. The Spraoi festival ends with a big parade and fireworks.