What To Do
Children of Lir Illustrations
Photo of the Children of Lir project undertaken by St. Cremin's NS, Multyfarnham and St. Mary's Hospital, Mullingar, working under the Artist in the Community Scheme with Lorraine Mimnagh.
© St. Cremin's NS, Multyfarnham and St. Mary's Hospital, Mullingar.© St. Cremin's NS, Multyfarnham and St. Mary's Hospital, Mullingar.
Children of Lir Illustrations
Photo of the Children of Lir project undertaken by St. Cremin's NS, Multyfarnham and St. Mary's Hospital, Mullingar, working under the Artist in the Community Scheme with Lorraine Mimnagh.
© St. Cremin's NS, Multyfarnham and St. Mary's Hospital, Mullingar.The 'Oidhe Chlann Lir' or 'The Fate of the Children of Lir' is one of Ireland's most famous and popular legends. The story is closely associated with Lough Derravaragh in Co. Westmeath.
Based in ancient Ireland, this tale is part of a saga that is generally called 'Tri Truagha na Scealaidheachta', or 'The Three Sorrows of Storytelling'. The other two stories are 'The Exile of the Children of Uisneach' and 'The Faith of the Children of Tuireann'.
It is an ancient tale of good and evil, with a few magical twists. Read on to find out about the fate of the Children of Lir.