The Heart of the House
Fireplace and Dresser
Photograph from 'Home Life in Ireland' (1909), by Robert Lynd. It shows a fireplace and dresser.
Photo taken by R. Welch.Photo taken by R. Welch.
Fireplace and Dresser
Photograph from 'Home Life in Ireland' (1909), by Robert Lynd. It shows a fireplace and dresser.
Photo taken by R. Welch.Most of the kitchens in Ballyknocklan's older houses look similar. Furniture is arranged along walls, so it does not interfere with the centre of the kitchen. Left is a photo of a typical Irish kitchen in 1909.
The main items of furniture are the dresser, settle bed, table and various types of benches (or 'forms').
The dresser was typically placed against the wall opposite the hearth. It was usually the largest item in old kitchens and stored all the family's crockery, cutlery and a range of other things, such as mementoes and receipts.
The bottom part of the dresser was open and occupied by hens. Do you think your Mum would allow hens in the kitchen?
The settle was a piece of furniture found along the rear wall of the kitchen, usually to one side of the hearth. It was a seat during the day but could be opened out at night to provide extra bed space. This was in keeping with the tradition throughout Ireland of having sleeping accommodation in the kitchen.
Some settles have panelled backs and carved arm rests. Dressers and settles are now very rare in Ballyknockan. However, traditional rectangular wooden tables do survive and are always located along the front wall of the kitchen under the window, where there is good daylight.