The Townland of Ballyknockan

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  • Aspects of Wicklow

The Rockery of Ireland's Garden

Ballyknockan Village is located on the north-west side of the Wicklow mountains, overlooking the Pollaphuca Reservoir.

Granite has been quarried there for almost two centuries.

Almost everything, from the stone farmhouses and cottages to the granite walls surrounding the fields, is made of local stone.

Locals like to say that if Wicklow is the Garden of Ireland, Ballyknockan is its rockery.

Good, Solid Stone

Every building in Ballyknockan village is made of stone. In fact, for over 170 years Ballyknockan has provided granite for many of Dublin's best-known buildings.

Door and window surrounds, chimneys, fireplaces and wall details are all fine examples of expert cutting.

Another interesting feature of these houses is their chamfered edges. This means that the corner block of the building has been bevelled, or cut off, at an angle of 45 degrees.

In Ballyknockan, stonecutters showed their craftsmanship through building the town's houses.

In recognition of its cultural importance, the whole village is listed in the Wicklow County Development Plan.

Due to its unique buildings and beautiful location, Ballyknockan is seen as an area deserving of special protection.

User contributions:

By Huss | 2011-12-12 16:22:36

Wicklow Granite Quarries

I have researched the Wicklow granite quarries around Blessington to Ballyknockan for many years. A summary of my findings is on a website at