Brother Raymond Nealon
Here is a photograph of Brother Raymond Nealon first superior at Presentation College Bray, Co. Wicklow. A talented rugby coach, during his time the college won both the Leinster Junior Cup in 1930 and the Senior Cup in 1932.
Wicklow Times Newspaper - Presentation College SupplementWicklow Times Newspaper - Presentation College Supplement
Brother Raymond Nealon
Here is a photograph of Brother Raymond Nealon first superior at Presentation College Bray, Co. Wicklow. A talented rugby coach, during his time the college won both the Leinster Junior Cup in 1930 and the Senior Cup in 1932.
Wicklow Times Newspaper - Presentation College SupplementThe first superior of the College was Brother Raymond Nealon.
Legend has it that he was a very hard taskmaster! He was a stickler for neatness of dress, good manners and discipline.
However, if his methods were a little harsh, they certainly worked wonders in producing successful rugby teams, as we'll find out in a few moments.