Most houses in Ireland are built of concrete. Here are some of the materials that are used to build a house or a school like yours.
Building a School: with building blocks
This photograph shows the wall of a new school being built. The walls are made from concrete blocks. The blocks are placed on top of each other. Concrete is used to hold the blocks together like glue.
Courtesy of Irene BarberCourtesy of Irene Barber
Building a School: with building blocks
This photograph shows the wall of a new school being built. The walls are made from concrete blocks. The blocks are placed on top of each other. Concrete is used to hold the blocks together like glue.
Courtesy of Irene BarberA building block is made by mixing water, sand, stone and cement. This mixture is called concrete.
The blocklayer uses blocks to build walls like the ones in the picture. Concrete is also used for the foundations, which are the first part of a house to be built and which make sure the house lasts for a long time.
Building a School: plastering the walls
In this photograph a man is plastering the outside walls of a new school building.
Courtesy of Irene BarberCourtesy of Irene Barber
Building a School: plastering the walls
In this photograph a man is plastering the outside walls of a new school building.
Courtesy of Irene BarberPlaster is a mixture of lime, sand and water. (Lime is found in the ground).
Plaster is used to coat walls and ceilings, like the walls in the picture and it makes the walls waterproof.
When the plaster dries out, it can be painted.