The child should be enabled to:
- investigate the work of people in a range of locations in the locality( e.g. those involved in the clothing industry, and those who wear uniforms in their professions)
- discuss and record simply the buildings and places where people work, especially those in the locality(Simple maps of local shopping centres/areas and identifying/marking in the location of specific clothes shops)
- become aware of the work of people in other areas who supply food and other products to us (e.g. clothes)
Strand : Human environments
Strand Unit: People and places in other areas
The child should be enabled to
- become familiar with some aspects of the lives of people and especially of children in Ireland , Europe and other areas
- peoples and communities
- needs of people for food, shelter and clothes
- games, songs and customs, festivals and feasts (e.g. clothes worn for same)
- environments in which people live
- adapting to environments (e.g. wearing suitable clothes)
- appreciate ways in which people in different areas depend on one another and on people living in other parts of the world(clothes and fabrics from other areas; the story of cotton)
Strand : Natural environments
Strand Unit: Weather
The child should be enabled to
- identify ways in which weather influences the lives of people
- clothes, homes, games, farming and other work, travel
- observe and record the influences weather and seasonal changes have on people, animals and plants in the locality(Clothes worn in different seasons, colour, fabrics, thickness, absorbency etc)
Strand : Environmental awareness and care
Strand Unit: Caring for my locality
The child should be enabled to
- realise that there is both an individual and a community responsibility for taking care of the environment
- Caring for clothes and recycling old clothes at home and elsewhere
- identify, discuss and implement simple strategies for improving and caring for the environment
- caring for clothes, toys and other possessions