Guidelines on How to Teach Content

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Among the methods which may be used are

  • Using a data projector the teacher might introduce the class to the study of transport in the local area. Full class discussion of the photographic evidence would be facilitated.
  • Using a computer room, groups of children might be given a section of the topic to explore and discuss. Each group would return to the full class and report what they had learned.
  • Each group might gather more primary sources and oral evidence by talking to older local people.
  • Each group might present their own section, including any extra primary sources they came across in a PowerPoint presentation to parents in a local history evening.

Integration with other subjects can be achieved in a number of areas.

  • Geography: map work, rivers and dams
  • Mathematics: traffic survey
  • Language: discussion, presentation of ideas orally and in written form
  • Visual Arts: drawing local bridges