Waste in Tommy's environment

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The farm yard showing the house barn

Tommy is walking through his field looking at his sheep.

He notices that one is limping.

She has walked on a broken glass bottle that was thrown into the field and broke on a stone.

Further on he finds the plastic bag the bottles were carried in.

There is a little shrew dead inside the bag – it wasn’t able to breathe.

Tommy is very cross.

He keeps his farm clean and this litter has been thrown on to his land   from a passing car.



Why do people throw litter from cars when they are finished using it? It is against the law to throw litter so If Tommy sees a car with someone inside it throwing litter on to his land, what should he do? 


  • He could take the number of the car and tell the people in the County Council
  • He could take a picture with his mobile phone.
  • He could pick up the litter so that his sheep don’t get injured.