Conduct a Survey with your Class

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Survey about your school area

Conduct a survey on your local school area.

Look around and see whether you can answer some of the survey questions shown in the grid below.

Use maps of your local school area to help you.

Conduct a Survey with your Class

Ask your teacher can you conduct a survey of children in your class to find out the modes of transport they use to go to school and to come from school.

Put the information that you find on a grid.

Ask if children arrive by car or are collected by car and find out where parents park their cars ( you could show this information on a map).

Collect information for the whole week to find out what types of journeys people in your class make to get to school each day.

You can find out from the information you gather what the peak-traffic time is near your school.


Fill in the Grid below for your Survey:

Fill in the Grid below for your Survey:

Finding out about more places using evidence

Do you remember the different kinds of evidence we can use to find out about a place?

Next time you are finding out about a place you could use some of these types of evidence:

  • Pictures and Photographs
  • Aerial Photographs
  • Listen to people from that area
  • Maps
  • Books and Newspapers
  • Video

Can you think of any other types of evidence you could use?


How well can you remember?

How well can you remember?

What Next?

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