Care for the Environment: Reduce and Recycle

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Making an impact on reducing waste

We can make an impact on reducing waste by changing what we buy and how often we buy.

What Can I do?

  • Choose items in the shop which have less wrapping and packaging
  • Buy products which allow you to get refills (washing liquids or liquid detergent)
  • Choose less disposable items. Try to choose items that will last for several uses.
  • Take an old shopping bag with you to the shop
  • Choose items made from recycled materials
  • Buy fresh fruit and vegetables more than canned or frozen as they have far less wrapping and packaging
  • Ask your parents to buy long life bulbs

Make a waste action pyramid by filling in the pyramid below. It works like a food pyramid. Drag the things you can do most frequently to prevent waste to the bottom of the pyramid.

Place the things that you will be able to do less frequently at the top of the pyramid.


Drag and Drop: Make a waste action pyramid

Drag and Drop: Make a waste action pyramid


What are the three R's ? Click to find out:

What are the three R's ? Click to find out:

Did you know?

You can fight pollution at home at school using the three R's

  • Reduce:
    Buy less. Buy items with less wrapping.
  • Reuse:
    Use items as many times as you can. Think of interesting ways to reuse items such as packaging.
  • Recycle:
    Place items in the recycling bin and place glass in a bottle bank.

The Three R's: Being kind to animals

Have you ever noticed the little plastic rings that cans and bottles are connected with?

When discarded in the environment these can trap small animals and cause them injury.

To find out what you can do to reduce the damage caused by these rings go to the site.

Whats Next?

Congratulations! you have completed all the sections and activities in "My School Geography".

Click here to find out what other tools there are that can help you find out more about your school environment.