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Finding the direction using a compass

A Compass has a magnetized needle which points to north. This means it can help you to find where somewhere is or help you to follow directions.

The points of a compass

This image shows the main points of a compass; North, South, East and West, also known as its Cardinal Points.

The red magnetized needle on a compass always points to north.
To find which direction is north you should place your compass on a flat surface. Then rotate the compass until the red needle is pointing at N, which means north.

Look at where the other cardinal points are after the red needle is pointing north and lined up with N.
If you rotate a map so its N arrow points the same way as the compass needle you can then see in which direction a place on the map is located.


How to read a compass

How to read a compass

Something to do

Get a compass and find north and south in your school grounds.

Which are the sunniest parts of the playground? Does the sunniest part of the playground match south on your compass point?

Your point of view

What are two attractive things about where your school is located? What are two unattractive things about your school's location?
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