School Play Areas: looking at photographs

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Examine the photographs of the play areas:

Modern Irish School 9

Have a look at the picture. Notice how the new school hall which you saw earlier is higher outside than the rest of the building.
This is so that children will have enough ceiling height to play indoor games.

Do you see two outdoor play areas in the picture?
One is for basketball.

Below is another photograph showing the basketball court:

Modern Irish School Basketball court

Do you think the basketball court has a sunny aspect?

Which direction do you think it is facing; North or South?

More school play areas

This school also has other play areas.

4. Modern Irish School Enclosed Play Area

Some have hard surfaces like tarmac.

It also has green spaces where children can play:

Modern Irish School Play Area 4

Modern Irish School Play Area 1

Notice how the ground at the back of this play area is higher than the area around it.

Can you find this area in the school plan?

How is the slope displayed in the plan?