Travel to School

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Transport: Journeys to school

Transport is very important as it allows people from one place to journey to another.

Without transport our towns and cities would not be able to receive goods from other places. Transport also allows children to attend school.

There are many categories of transport.

One category of transport is known as road transport or roadways. Other kinds of transport are rail transport, river transport, air transport and sea transport.

Which category of transport do you use to go to school?

Tick the boxes below:


Types of transport used to get to school:

Types of transport used to get to school:


Types of road transport I use to get to school:

Types of road transport I use to get to school:

Travelling on the school bus

Read the extracts below or listen to the audio recordings and find out what children feel about travelling on the school bus:

"Sometimes there is no room on the school bus.
It is always noisy.
Sometimes people might not have a seat.
It is always crowded and stuffy."'

- Rebecca Co. Waterford


"The bus collects me every morning at 08:40.
It takes about 10-15 minutes to get to school.
This year for the first time ever we have seat belts which makes travelling to and from school a lot safer.
Travelling to school on the bus is slower than by car but I can have fun joking and talking with my friends.
I love going to school on the school bus."