Grow Your Own Trees

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If you collect tree seeds in autumn, you should look after them in winter. Put them in a shed or a paper bag, keep them dry and don’t let the mice eat them!

You can plant acorns that fall from the oak tree in pots. Make sure the pots don’t dry out though. It’s easy to put a pot on the window ledge and forget about it. Sometimes it’s better to bury it in the garden. Remember however to cover it to stop animals and birds from digging them up and having it for supper!


If you collect a lot of acorns you can put them in a sack mixed with sand and hang it outside. The seeds will sprout roots and tangle together. Check on them until the new year so when they sprout shoots you can start putting a few in each of the pots you have ready. If you want second-hand pots, garden centres will sometimes give them away for free.

When you grow your own forest, your big problem will be to find a place to put all the trees!

If some of your seeds don’t grow, don’t give up because it’s natural that not all of them will grow immediately. Some trees, such as the hazel, take two years to grow so you must not be in a hurry!