Bird Feeder
Blue Tit
These noisy but tame birds are most common in western Europe. They are typically woodland birds but have adapted well to living in close association with man.
Copyright Mike BrownCopyright Mike Brown
Blue Tit
These noisy but tame birds are most common in western Europe. They are typically woodland birds but have adapted well to living in close association with man.
Copyright Mike BrownIf you love bird watching, making a milk carton bird feeder is a fun and easy way to attract more feathered friends to your own garden!
You will need:
· An empty milk carton
· Piece of bamboo/thin stick
· Thin wire, or strong string
· Scissors, or craft knife
· Hole-punch
· Crayon
· Birdseed
What to do:
- Clean out the milk carton thoroughly.
- Use the crayon to outline the shape of the opening on the front of the milk carton. Don’t forget to leave about 2 inches at the bottom of the carton for the birdseed.
- Cut out the hole using the scissors, or craft knife.
- Poke the piece of bamboo/stick through the front wall of the milk carton below the opening, and push right through so it pokes out the back wall. Birds can use this as a perch.
- Make a hole in the top of the milk carton using the hole-punch.
- Thread the wire/string through the hole.
- Fill the bottom with birdseed and hang on a tree that you can see easily from your house!
For added protection from the rain, you could also glue lollipop sticks to the roof of the carton.