Churches and Ecclesiastical Enclosures / Shéipéil agus Ráthanna

Ireland has a greater number of ruined medieval churches relative to its size than any other country in Europe. Most of these were parish churches and are in walled graveyards in Local Authority care but some are on farmland. The origins of many of these establishments go back to the early centuries of Christianity in Ireland when they were usually surrounded by large enclosures, which contained a settlement (sometimes monastic) as well as the church or churches. The study of maps and aerial photography has frequently identified the outlines of these enclosures, with the surviving graveyard forming only a small segment.

Ás Gaeilge:

I gcomparáid le tíortha eile na hEorpa, tá an líon coibhneasta is mó fothracha de shéipéil ó na
meánaoiseanna in Éirinn. Séipéil pharóiste a bhí sa chuid is mó acu atá lonnaithe i reiligí le ballaí thart orthu agus atá faoi chúram na nÚdarás Áitiúil, ach tá cuid acu suite i bpáirceanna. Bunaíodh go leor de na háiteanna seo sa tréimhse is luaithe a bhí an Chríostaíocht in Éirinn. Ag an am sin, bhí claí nó falla mór thart orthu agus chomh maith leis an séipéal nó na séipéil, bhíodh cineál de bhaile beag laistigh agus amanta, manaigh a bhíodh ina gcónaí iontu. Léiríonn staidéar ar mhapaí agus ar ghrianghrafanna tógtha ón aer imlíne na ráthanna sin. Ní bhíonn i gceist leis an reilig atá tagtha slán ach cuid bheag díobh.

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