Carlow Electoral Divisions

Parish of Carlow - Painstown, Ballinacarrig, Pollardstown, and Browne's Hill, in the parish of Kernanstown - townland of Chapelstown, parish of Clonmuish - Ballybannon, in the parish of Killerig - Cloghoagh, in the parish of Cloydagh - townland of Bennekerry, parish of Urglin - parish and townland of Ballycrogue.

Parish of Killerig - Grangeforth and Urglin (except portion containing No. I)

No. 3
Parishes of Tullow and Tankardstown - Ardristan, and the detached portions of Fenagh, adjoining Tullow.

No. 4
Parishes of Ballon, Aghade, Pebbledrom. And the portion of Barragh not attached to the Enniscorthy union.

No. 5
Parishes of Kellistown, Gilbertstown, Tullowmagemagh, and the detached portions of Ballyellen, and Fenagh adjoining.

No. 6
The parish of Myshall, and Lord Beesborough's estate in the parishes of Fenagh, and Dunleckney together with Luagarvin, a detached part of Gilbertstown.

No. 7
The remainder of Fenagh parish, and the parishes of Nurney and Agha, together with the parish of Clonmelsh not attached to No. I Division: together with a detached part of Killenane.

No. 8
The parish of Dunleckney exclusive of Lord Bessborough's townlands the part of the parish of Slyguff west of Lorum, and the townlands of Kilmallapogue, Donore, Seskin, and Ballycormick.

No. 9
The parish of Lorum, Ballyellen, and Clonegoose.

No. 10
Parish of Slyguff east of Lorum, and Kiltennel.

No. 11
Undecided, but supposed to be the Barony of Idrone West.

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