Néal Uisce

Néal Uisce

Cuireann cineálacha éagsúla néalta uisce bia agus foscadh ar fáil le haghaidh feithidí agus éan ar lorg creiche agus cabhraíonn na fréamhacha chun struchtúir ghrinneall abhann a dhaingniú.   Cé go mbíonn siad faoin uisce formhór na bliana cuireann siad bláthanna deasa bána 1-2cm   os cionn barr an uisce i mí Bealtaine agus Meitheamh.

Water Crowfoot

Various species of crowfoot provide shelter and food to insects and foraging birds, while their roots help to consolidate riverbed structure. Although completely submerged for most of the year, in May and June the plants’ attractive white blossoms are held 1-2cm above the water.

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