Dinea-lascnaidigh (fíteaplanctón)

Dinea-lascnaidigh (fíteaplanctón)

Cuireann roinnt speiceas de dhinealascnaidigh taispeántais lonracha de thine ghealáin ar fáil. Bíonn siad ag lonrú sa dorchadas de bharr próiseas ocsaídithe na bplanctón. Is minic a leanann solas taibhsiúil bád, nó bíonn sé le feiceáil nuair a chorraíonn na maidí rámha an t-uisce; uaireanta feictear splanc solais nuair a bhriseann tonn.


Dinoflagellates (phytoplankton)

Some dinoflagellate species produce brilliant displays of phosphorescence
– glowing in the dark – caused by the planktons’ oxidation process. Often a ghostly light follows a boat, or as oars stir the water; occasionally a flash of light occurs at the breaking of a wave.

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