Fionn agus na Fianna
Fionn and the Fianna
Drawing shows Fionn and the Fianna feasting after the days hunt. They hunted in Glenasmole. Pre-Christian Ireland.
Fionn and the Fianna
Drawing shows Fionn and the Fianna feasting after the days hunt. They hunted in Glenasmole. Pre-Christian Ireland.
Great Elk
Drawing shows the Great Elk that is now extinct but that once was hunted by Fionn and the Fianna at Glenasmole, South Dublin during pre-Christian times. Askeleton of the great Irish Elk may be seen in the National History Museum, Dublin, Ireland. The great Elk was twice the height of a man.
Great Elk
Drawing shows the Great Elk that is now extinct but that once was hunted by Fionn and the Fianna at Glenasmole, South Dublin during pre-Christian times. Askeleton of the great Irish Elk may be seen in the National History Museum, Dublin, Ireland. The great Elk was twice the height of a man.
Fadó b'iad Fionn agus na Fianna arm Ard Rí na hÉireann. Chosain siad an rí ar éinne a dhéanfadh ionradh air, nó a bheadh ag iarraidh an ríocht a bhaint dó agus é a mharú. Ba é Fionn Mac Cumhaill an ceannaire ab fhearr ar na Fianna riamh.
Ba bhreá le Fionn dul ag seilg i nGleann an Smóil in Uachtar Ghleann na Dothra. Ba mhinic a théadh sé ag seilg leis an dá mhadra ab fhearr leis, Bran agus Sceolan. Théadh siad ar thóir an fhia rua, a raibh flúirse díobh sa tír ag an am sin.
Tugtar Suí Finn ar shliabh atá suite os cionn Ghleann an Smóil. Is ansin, a deirtear, a shuíodh Fionn agus na Fianna chun féasta i ndiaidh na seilge.
Lá dá raibh Fionn agus na Fianna amuigh ag seilg i nGleann an Smóil, chuaigh siad ar thóir fhia mhóir fhireann. Bhuail siad le triúr ban álainn a thairg bia agus deoch dóibh. Lá brothallach a bhí ann agus ghlac na fir go toilteanach leis an dtairiscint. Shuigh siad síos ar an bhféar bog agus thosaigh ag ól as na cupáin. Go tobann tháinig pairilis orthu. Cé go raibh radharc na súl acu agus go raibh siad in ann caint, ní fhéadfaidís bogadh.
Ghlac na mná chucu sleánna agus claimhte agus rinne siad bagairt ar laochra na Fianna.
Tá cáil ar Fhionn as neart a láimhe, a dúirt duine díobh, agus is é mian chroí ár mbanríon go bpósadh sí é. Thug bean díobh gean do Dhiarmuid, duine de na Fianna. Bhí an t-ainm "Diarmuid an spota ghrá" air, agus deirtear nach bhféadfadh bean a croí a chosaint air. Shuigh sí in aice leis agus níorbh fhéidir léí srian a chur uirthi féin. Phóg sí Diarmuid ar an mbéal. Briseadh an draíocht agus tháinig malairt deilbhe ar na mná oga. Ina n-ionad bhí triúr chailleach. Mharaigh Fionn agus na Fianna iad agus theith siad.
Fionn and the Fianna
In ancient times Fionn and the Fianna were the army of the high kings of Ireland . They protected the king from invasion, and from anyone who might want to kill him and take the throne. Fionn Mac Cumhaill was the best leader the Fianna ever had.
One of Fionn's favourite pastimes was hunting in the Glenasmole in the Upper Dodder Valley . Fionn often hunted with his two favourite dogs, Bran and Sceolan. They mainly hunted the red deer and the Great Irish Elk, which is now extinct.
One of the mountains overlooking Glenasmole is called Seefin, which means "the seat of Finn". Fionn and the Fianna were supposed to have feasted there after the hunt.
Once Fionn and a party of the Fianna were out hunting, in pursuit of a large stag in Glenasmole. They came upon three beautiful women who offered them food and drink. It was a hot day and Fionn and his men were glad to accept the offer. They sat on the soft grass and no sooner had they drank from the cups when a paralysis overcame them, and though they could see and speak, they could not move.
The three women then brought spears and swords and stood in front of the Fianna warriors. "We have heard of Fionn the mighty", said one of them, "and it is the wish of our queen that he should be her husband".
But one of the women was taking an interest in Diarmid, one of the Fianna. He was called "Diarmid of the love spot", and it was said that no woman could shield her heart from him. She moved closer to him, and as she did, found that she could not resist kissing him. As soon as they kissed, the spell was broken, and the beautiful young women turned into withered old witches. Fionn and the other Fianna killed the three witches and fled.
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