Other Useful Links
- ask about writing.net A news and resource site for writers of all abilities everywhere. It updates on Saturdays. A free weekly alert is emailed Mondays.
- Borrow Books allows you to search across the Irish public libraries’ online catalogues to locate and request an item which is not held in your own library service.
- The Chester Beatty Library The award-winning Chester Beatty Library is located at Dublin Castle and the website provides information on its collections, opening hours, and events.
- Children’s Books Ireland is the national children’s book organisation of Ireland. The organisation was formed in 1996 through the merger of the Children’s Literature Association of Ireland and the Irish Children’s Book Trust.
- Culturefox is an online guide to Irish cultural events allowing you to disseminate and capture information about Irish cultural events both here and abroad reaching thousands of daily users.
- www.culturenet.ie The national cultural institutions have a single website that includes a comprehensive ‘what’s on’ guide and links to the websites of: The Chester Beatty Library; Irish Museum of Modern Art; National Archives; National Concert Hall; National Gallery of Ireland; National Museum of Library; The Abbey and Peacock Theatres.
- Europe Direct Public libraries around the country have taken on a valuable new role – to provide easy, personalised access to EU information to everyone. Visit your nearest public library to browse and take away a wide range of EU publications.
- Europeana Multi-lingual online collection of millions of digitized items from European museums, libraries, archives and multi-media collections.
- www.heritageireland.ie Provides information about heritage sites, visitor attractions, and interpretive centres around the country. There is a facility to locate sites by location and region and full contact details and opening hours are given.
- The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) is a non-profit organization which represents an international network of people from all over the world who are committed to bringing books and children together.
- The Ireland Section of the International Board on Books for Young People (iBbY Ireland) is a non-profit organisation, which promotes children’s books at an international level.
- Irish Traditional Music Archive – Taisce Cheol Dúchais Éireann – is a national reference archive and resource centre for the traditional song, instrumental music and dance of Ireland. It is a public not-for-profit facility which is open, free of charge, to anyone with an interest in the contemporary and historical artforms of Irish traditional music.
- The Irish Writers’ Centre is a thriving hub for the literary community which has showcased contemporary Irish writing and supported Irish writers since 1991. The Centre runs a range of creative writing courses, readings, book launches and publishing seminars and provides writing rooms for members and writing groups.
- Irish Writers Union The website for the Irish writers union contains a sample contract, FAQ, and notes on signing a deal together with a links section to other writing sites.
- Laureate na nÓg is an initiative of the Arts Council, with the support of Children’s Books Ireland, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs and Poetry Ireland. The honour has been established to engage young people with high quality children’s literature and to underline the importance of children’s literature in our cultural and imaginative life.
- Libfocus is a communal blog with a broad and open-minded take on the subject of library and information management.
- National Library of Ireland The National Library’s website gives access to the library’s catalogues and photographic collections, and provides information on opening hours, applying for a reader’s ticket, etc.
- Public Lending Remuneration Scheme Public Lending Remuneration (PLR) is the mechanism for authors to receive payment under PLR legislation for the loans of their books by public libraries.
- The Writers in Schools scheme supports visits by writers and storytellers to primary and post-primary schools, and part-funds visits for schoolgoers in libraries.
- Writing.ie, the Irish national writing resources website, an online magazine bringing you author tips and interviews weekly, plus constantly updated information on events, writing competitions and publishing opportunities.
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