Ask about Ireland
AskAboutIreland and the Cultural Heritage Project is an initiative of the public libraries network, together with local museums and archives in the digitisation and online publication of the original, the unusual and the unique material from their local studies’ collections to create a national Internet resource for culture and education.
The participating organisations have selected material of particular public interest from their holdings within a variety of common topics ranging from sport, history, science and architecture to flora and fauna, Irish language, art, crafts and Irish writers. The material is digitised (scanned, digitally photographed, recorded etc.) and set in a narrative context. The website also includes a Learning Zone section which has been created for primary and secondary students in collaboration with key educational bodies and advisors in Ireland.
AskAboutIreland is a constantly growing resource with content being added to the website on an ongoing basis. While there is lots of material on this site of interest to all, this is just a sample of what is available in public libraries throughout the country.
AskAboutIreland is supported by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government with funding from the Information Society Fund and managed by Libraries Development.
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- Linked Heritage Cultural Digitisation Conference 2013
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