Writers in Libraries Scheme
Officially re-launched in September 2010, the Writers in Libraries Scheme aims to provide funding for imaginative literary programming by public libraries across the country.
The Scheme encourages collaboration with local and national literary festivals, resource organisations, schools and also encourages libraries to use digital and social media.
The Scheme is co-funded by the Arts Council and Libraries Development and is managed and administered by Poetry Ireland/Éigse Éireann.
In 2011, twelve Library authorities in ten counties engaged with sixteen artists in ten projects focused on teenage audiences. Project themes included the Short Story; Performance Poetry; Drama and Creative Writing; Storytelling; Poetry Speaking; The Graphic Novel; Manga; Radio Drama, and a Facebook Project. The general theme for 2012 is ‘Reaching the Hard-to-Reach’, people and communities who are less likely to use public libraries and/or who face particular barriers to accessing public library, cultural, and education services.
Further information is available from Jane O’Hanlon, education@poetryireland.ie, telephone 01 4758605/4758601.
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