Publications: Young People
- How to Be An Advocate for Teens (by Gretchen of Librarified) is an excellent primer to advocating for teens within your library and community.
- Kirkus Reviews: Upcoming pre-publication reviews and thousands of archived reviews oc children’s books that are freely available to non-subscribers.
- Lifesteps Guide: Using the Internet for reading for young people and parents: a listing of websites for publishers, readers and authors
- New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship: published biannually, is multidisciplinary in nature, providing opportunities for the ‘pure’ discussion of children’s literature, and of issues relating to one of the key places in which to find such literature—libraries for young people.
- Readergirlz: the cutting-edge literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Award for Innovations in Reading. It is a nonprofit volunteer organisation. The readergirlz mission is to promote teen literacy and corresponding social service.
- Using Blogs for collection development: Abby the Librarian’s handout from her presentation at the Illinois Library Federation Children’s & Young People’s Division conference.
- We Tell Stories: Six authors contributed stories to this project, one each week, which are displayed on the site using interactive internet media
- What Kids Need: The Building Blocks for Children and Youth: Providing an insight into the complexity of the physical and mental development of teenagers.
- “‘You’ve changed my life’: teenagers, reading and libraries” is an article by Anne Harding about how libraries can support and encourage reading among teens (especially disadvantaged teens).
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