Department Links - Department of Education and Skills website providing links to a number of educational resource websites. - The Higher Education Authority website provides information on third level education in Ireland. - The Teaching Council website offers information on teacher training, registration and Garda vetting for Ireland. - The National Centre for Technology in Education provides advice, support and information on the use of ICT in education. - Links to online curricula, syllabuses, guidelines and frameworks for school. – Provides a cross-sectoral support service for schools and teachers, entitled the Professional Development Service for Teachers. - The Training and Employment authority website. Offers a number of programmes and online courses. - This website offers courses and training over a number of public sectors and regions across Ireland.
Irish Education - Educate Together is the patron body to Ireland’s multi-denominational schools. The website offers a list of schools ranging from primary to secondary across Ireland. - The Gaelscoileanna website offers advice, encouragement and practical support for Irish language schools. – The Special Education Support Service website offers advice and support for those with special needs in education. It offers a range of links, resources and information on professional development. National Agency in Ireland for the management of national and international exchange and cooperation programmes in education, youth and community work, and vocational education and training. -This website offers information to international students considering studying in Ireland. It offers information on the Irish education system and higher education institutes across Ireland. -A further and higher education database. Provides a range of courses and advice for adult learners
European and International Education -United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) website promotes universal education, highlights themes on improving education and its strategies - For students or prospective employees who wish to communicate their qualifications and competences in an effective way using the Europass. Provides information on what relevant documentation is required to access Europass membership. The European commission website offers information on training and education in the EU and programmes on offer such as the Lifelong Learning programmes, including Erasmus. Resource for teaching English as a foreign language
Teachers' Unions -Second level teaching union website provides important information for teachers including work conditions, salaries and legislation. - A trade union for primary teachers in the Republic of Ireland and teachers at primary and post primary level in Northern Ireland. Provides information on all aspects of primary teaching including salaries, codes of behaviour and recognised qualifications. -The Teachers' Union of Ireland website provides important information to all teachers in Ireland regarding salary and rights. It also provides access to educational resources, other teachers unions and related government bodies.
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