Educational Resources
Irish Educational Resources - The Learning Zone section of the Ask about Ireland website provides learning and teaching materials for primary and secondary students. Content is created by teachers and librarians in Ireland and meets the requirements of the Irish curriculum. The website includes over 75,000 photos, interactive activities, games, maps, videos, audios and ebooks. Also provided are teachers’ notes for the primary school sections. -This portal for Irish education offers a variety of resources for teachers, parents, primary and post-primary students. Students are offered a library, worksheets and projects for a number of subjects from infants up to 6th class. It also provides advice and study tips for secondary students along with study notes for both junior and senior cycles. -A professional development website offering a variety of courses for teachers and resources for primary classes. It also offers online podcasts on a number of topics by lecturers and provides presentations, worksheets and revision for many junior and senior level subjects. – Spy science is an initiative aimed at primary school students. It comprises of 29 short videos covering many aspects of science. The website includes interactive educational games and quizzes that compliment the spy science videos. –This website is geared towards primary level science and maths students. It offers a range of activities, science videos, games, galleries, colouring templates and weblinks. For teachers it offers a range of activities aligned with the Irish science and maths curriculum and maps of where to find science centres across Ireland.
European and International Educational Resources -Teaching Ideas has thousands of free lesson ideas, activities and resources which teachers can use, it also has thousands of educational videos which teachers can use to support teaching and learning in the classroom. –The National Geographic online education centre offers activities for families, students and teachers and a range of videos on a number of global topics. -This online educational search engine offers an online interactive classroom, interactive activities and advice for parents and teachers aimed towards the UK's national curriculum. It also offers links to Irish focused curriculum. - MightyBook website offers a number of online stories, games, animation and puzzles which aims to promote an interest in reading for children. -The BBC learning website is an extensive teacher’s resource to access activities for students, including audio resources aimed at primary school students which include a school radio that discusses a range of interesting topics. EducatorLabs is a website managed by school librarians and media specialists who provide a volunteer service identifying tailored 'resource packets' upon individual request for teaching and learning.
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