www.enfo.ie - Clear, authoritative information on key environmental topics with accompanying photos, illustrations and videos. Includes daily news and event updates, environmental fact sheets, field guides, posters, exhibitions and education supports - all available for free download. A section on each county is also available in the County Focus section
http://www.environ.ie/en/Environment/ -Department of Environment, Community and Local Government
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/archives/environment/ -Archive of environmental articles and information on sustainability.
http://www.envirocentre.ie/ - A resource website that offers practical and useful information on supporting industry and the environment. It also offers articles, Irish environmental legislation and links to useful databases.
http://www.epa.ie/ - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has responsibilities for a wide range of licensing, enforcement, monitoring and assessment activities associated with environmental protection.
http://www.unep.org/ -The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) provides latest global news and information on all areas of the environment including environmental governance and climate change.
www.eea.europa.eu -Offers publications on many environmental topics and latest information on environmental issues across European sectors.
http://www.science.gov/browse/w_123.htm - U.S. government science portal. Provides information on numerous topics relating to the environment, science and health. Also provides links to science websites and science videos.
www.noticenature.ie - Ireland's public awareness campaign on biodiversity
http://www.archaeology.ie/ - The National Monuments Service helps protect our archaeological heritage.
www.met.ie - Met Éireann, the Irish National Meteorological Service that offers latest weather updates and forecasts.
http://www.npws.ie/ - Conservation of a range of habitats and species in Ireland. Offers a range of information on Ireland's national parks, protected sights and nature reserves. Also provides important information on licencing, permits and planning applications.
www.seai.ie –The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland website.
www.biology.ie -An Irish biodiversity watch website offers a number of articles. The website offers its users to submit their observations to a database of patterns they observe in nature for each season.
http://www.birdwatchireland.ie/ - Information on all things related to bird-watching in Ireland that offers articles, advice and resources for students
www.marine.ie – The Marine Institute website offers information regarding Irish sea activity. It provides research , publications and services on offer.
www.floodmaps.ie - Flood Hazard Maps show information on a map about places that may be at risk from flooding. You can search for flood information in any locality and view reports, photographs, newspaper articles and other information about reported flood.
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