NUI Maynooth - John Paul II Library
NUI Maynooth - John Paul II Library
NUI Maynooth - John Paul II Library
All rights reservedAll rights reserved
NUI Maynooth - John Paul II Library
NUI Maynooth - John Paul II Library
All rights reservedThe John Paul II Library was opened in 1984 and is the main University Library. It provides a service for the staff, students and researchers of NUI Maynooth and St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth. Members of universities in Ireland and the UK are admitted under the CONUL, ALCID and SCONUL Research Xtra access schemes. External membership may be granted on a fee basis on application. There are over 730 reader places. Book stock currently numbers some 445,000 volumes and over 10,000 journals are received in either print or electronic format.
NUI Maynooth
Co. Kildare
Phone: +353 1 708 3884
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