The Lighthouse

The Scattery Light was built to lead vessels to the anchorage at Scattery Roads and to guide them up the River Shannon. Its construction was sanctioned by the Board of Trade in 1866. Originally, the best position for the light was thought to be within the boundary of the ground where the War Department had a battery. Consequently, the light would have to be on rails so that it could be moved in case of attack or during firing practice.
Building began in spring 1868 and consisted of a lightkeeper's house and a simple iron framework to carry the lantern. Six months later the almost complete iron framework was destroyed by a storm. It was decided not to rebuild the structure but to construct a small stone tower close to the lightkeeper's dwelling. The light was first established on the 1st of December 1872.

The light was converted from oil to acetylene using carbon generating plant in 1933. The keeper was also withdrawn and an attendant took charge of the light.
Towards the end of 1977 the water to carbide acetylene plant was replaced by dissolved acetylene bottles and conversion to propane took place in 1981. Patricia Mc Mahon took over attending the light after the death of her brother Austin (Bobby) in 1979. The present attendant is Gerry Griffin.

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