The Miracle of Scattery

George Harratt, writing in his book "Scattery Island" tells of a miracle at Scattery; 'The following extraordinary incident occurred on the 24th of June 1864. At this time there lived on the Island a woman by the name of Mrs. Corbett. Her maiden name was Melican and she originally belonged to Rhinevilla near Carrigaholt. Some time after her change of abode she was struck down by a severe attack of paralysis from which she became so pitiably helpless that she was not able in the slightest degree to move or stir any of her limbs. Her intellect and speech however were not affected. Suffering in that terrible affliction for about three years, she dreamt that if she would sleep on St. Senan's grave she would be cured. This she told her friends, who carried her to the Church where the Saint is buried, on the date above mentioned, and at nightfall. After having laid her on the pallet under which is believed the Saint's body is laid to rest, she asked them to depart so that she might meditate and pray without distraction. They did so and the following is in substance the account of her experience during the night that she gave to the astonished friends shortly after sun-rise the next morning, after she had walked perfectly cured. About midnight, as she was praying she saw standing opposite a man dressed in the robes of a Bishop and wearing a mitre. He saluted her and asked her in a sympathetic manner why she had come there. She answered that she dreamt that if she would come there and pray to St. Senan to intercede for her she would be cured, and she added that she firmly believed that Almighty God through the intercession of the Blessed Saint would mercifully restore her to health. He then asked her was she afraid. She replied she had no reason to fear in that Holy Place where she had the protection of Almighty God and his Blessed St. Senan. Then the Saint (the believed apparition was St. Senan), touched her on the forehead with his hands and disappeared. She presently fell asleep and awakened about sunrise in perfect health. She lived for many years afterwards in the enjoyment of excellent health, and died at a very advanced age after a short illness."

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