Contents for D
English | Irish |
Dalton's Avenue | Ascaill an Dalatúnaigh |
Dean Street | Sráid an Déin |
Deane Street | Sráid an Déanaigh |
Deanrock Close | Ascaill Charaig an Déin |
Deanrock Cottages | Iostáin Charraig an Déin |
Deanrock Estate | Eastát Charraig an Déin |
Deanvale | Gleann an Déin |
Deanwood Avenue | Ascaill Dhoire an Déin |
Deanwood Place | Plás Dhoire an Déin |
Deerpark | Páirc na bhFianna |
Deerpark Mews | Eachlann Pháirc na bhFianna |
Deerpark Road | Bóthar Pháirc na bhFianna |
Delaney Park | Páirc Uí Dhúshláine |
Delwood | Delwood |
Dennehy's Cross | Crosaire Uí Dhuineacha |
Derrynane Road | Bóthar Dhoire Fhionáin |
Desmond Square | Cearnóg an Deasúnaigh |
Devonshire Street | Sráid Devonshire |
Devonshire Street North | Sráid Devonshire Thuaidh |
Devonshire Street West | Sráid Devonshire Thiar |
Dierville | Dierville |
Distillery Court | Cúirt na Drioglainne |
Dominick Street | Sráid Doiminic |
Donovan's Road | Bóthar Uí Dhonnabháin |
Donscourt | Cúirt Dhónail |
Dorgan's Road | Bóthar Uí Dheargáin |
Douglas Drive | Céide na Dúghlaise |
Douglas Hall Lawn | Plásóg Halla na Dúghlaise |
Douglas Hall Mews | Eachlann Halla na Dúghlaise |
Douglas Road | Bóthar na Dúghlaise |
Douglas Street | Sráid na Dúghlaise |
Douglas Terrace | Ardán Na Dúghlaise |
Doyle Road | Bóthar Uí Dhúill |
Drawbridge Street | Sráid an Droichid Thógála |
Drinan Street | Sráid Uí Dhraighneáin |
Drumcora | Droim Cora |
Dublin Hill | Cnoc Bhaile Átha Cliath |
Dublin Lower | Cnoc Bhaile Átha Cliath, Íochtarach |
Dublin Middle | Cnoc Bhaile Átha Cliath Meánach |
Dublin Street | Sráid Bhaile Átha Cliath |
Dunbar Street | Sráid Dunbar |
Dundanion Court | Cúirt an Dúin Dhaingin |
Dundanion Road | Bóthar an Dúin Daingin |
Dundanion Terrace | Ardán an Dúin Daingin |
Dunmanus Park | Páirc Dhún Mánais |
Dunmore Gardens | Gairdíní an Dúin Mhóir |
Dunmore Lawn | Plásóg an Dúin Mhóir |
Dunnycove Gardens | Gairdíní Chuainín Uí Dhúnadhaigh |
Dunraven Downs | Mulláin Dunraven |
Dunville Cresent | Corrán Vile an Dúin |
Dunville Estate | Eastát Bhailtín an Dúin |
Dunville Villas | Bailtíní Vile an Dúin |
Dyke Parade | Paráid na Díge |
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- Flora & Fauna
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- Physical Landscape
- Place Names
- Bilingual list of city street names
- Contents for A
- Contents for B
- Contents for C
- Contents for D
- Contents for E
- Contents for F
- Contents for G
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- Contents for U
- Contents for V
- Contents for W
- Contents for Y
- Cork city: old maps and images
- Placenames of County Leitrim
- Placenames of County Longford
- Placenames of County Meath
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- St Patrick's Street: Old Cork Advertisements
- Bilingual list of city street names
- Transport
- Marine Environment