Ballyartney House
Ballyartney House, Co Clare
Built c. 1800, possibly incorporating fabiric of earlier building c. 1680
Courtesy of NIAHCourtesy of NIAH
Ballyartney House, Co Clare
Built c. 1800, possibly incorporating fabiric of earlier building c. 1680
Courtesy of NIAHReg. No: 20406808
Date: 1780-1820
Previous Name: N/A
Townland: Ballyartney
County: Co. Clare
Special Interest: Architectural/ Artistic
Rating: Regional
Original Use: House
In Use As: House
Ballyartney House, Co Clare
House built c. 1800, possibly incorporating fabric of earlier building c. 1680
Courtesy of NIAHCourtesy of NIAH
Ballyartney House, Co Clare
House built c. 1800, possibly incorporating fabric of earlier building c. 1680
Courtesy of NIAH
Detached double-pile three-bay two-storey house with dormer attic, built c. 1800, possibly incorporating fabric of earlier building, c. 1680. Pitched slate roofs with roughcast rendered chimneystacks and cut-stone gable copings. Remains of roughcast and lime render to rubble stone walls. Paired and tripartite timber sliding sash windows with fluted engaged columns having decorative capitals forming mullions. Segmental-arched opening with timber pilaster doorcase, fanlight, sidelights and timber panelled door. Timber panelled interior shutters. Detached four-bay single-storey outbuilding with integral carriageway. Cut-stone and cast-iron piers with wrought-iron gates.
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